How To Draw Manga Female Bodies
The female body is usually very delicate. Girls in anime stand a certain way to emphasize cuteness, with their feet facing slgihtly inwards.
Drawing Breasts
A slightly awkward subject, but yet one that must be explained as it apart of the female body. Breasts do come in different shapes and sizes. Unless you’re drawing something extremely perverted like, ridiculous large breasts which are unrealistic because the weight would break your character’s back. As an artist be aware of what is realistic and what is sexualized fantasy when drawing girls.
Drawing The Butt
This is also pandering to the sexunes sof the manga lady, but it is good to know how to draw the butt cheeks, when drawing a character from behind.
Be Aware of Loli Proportions
Often people copy anime girls, and they pick up bad loli proportions. Be aware that realistic young girls ddo not have sexy fetures. If that’s what you like to draw, then that’s fine. Just know breasts and hips don’t start to show till about age 13 when puberty sets in.
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